
mdsp @ Smartelectronix announces LiveCut

6th June 2005

mdsp @ Smartelectronix has announced LiveCut, a "Live BreakBeat Cutting tool" based on Nick Collins algorithms that can be found in the BBCut library for SuperCollider [View PDF].

"The BBCut Library began out of work on an algorithm to simulate the automatic cutting of breakbeats in the style of early jungle or drum and bass [Collins 2001a]."

LiveCut syncs to the host tempos and creates phrases by splicing and repeating small chunks of the input in order to create ever evolving syncopated rhythms. It currently implements a mix of CutProc11 (classic gimical DnB) and WarpCut (named after the Warp Label).

LiveCut is planned for release for Windows and Mac OS X as a VST effect and possibly also an AU effect.

KVR Audio, Inc.