
Madrona Labs updates all plugins and announces 2016–17 Winter sale

21st December 2016

Madrona Labs has updated its software synthesizers Aalto, Kaivo, and Virta. This update introduces a new licensing system, adds features including UTF-8 support, and improves compatibility with macOS Sierra and Windows 10. The update is free of cost to existing customers, and all plugins are compatible with previous versions.

Coinciding with its rollout of new versions, Madrona Labs has announced a Winter sale with all instruments available at a 25% discount. The sale runs through January 5. For the sale coupon codes and more information, visit the Madrona Labs website.

Changes to all plugins:

Additional changes to Virta:

All Madrona Labs plugins require a VST 2 or AU host. Supported operating systems are Mac OS X 10.7 or higher and Windows 7 or higher. Both 32-bit and 64-bit hosts are supported.

KVR Audio, Inc.