
Bela D Media releases The Giovani Edition for Kontakt (Children's Choir)

23rd June 2005

Bela D Media has released The Giovani Edition, a dedicated children's choir sample library captured in 24-bit complete with traditional church ambience. The Giovani Edition produces a sincere, natural tonality alive with essential human characteristics.

Enlisting the talents of a professional 32-piece youth choir, the Giovani Edition incorporates both ensemble and chamber sized vocal sections, enabling the correct composition of choral parts using a sample library. The choral groupings include:

Vocal Control
Accompanying the Giovani Edition, Bela D Media has introduced Vocal Control, a unique and proprietary software utility, custom designed to enable composers to build and play sentence-like phrases both quickly and intuitively. Vocal Control frees Giovani owners to combine complete or partial words from a pool of authentic Latin vocal performances, as well as a series of custom moving vowel performances. Once a word or phrase is input into a Vocal Control phrase group, it can be played in real time with zero latency in virtually any tempo, any key and any melody.

Legato Control
Incorporated into Vocal Control is Bela D Media's new Legato Tool, a combination of software coding and sampler programming which routes data to either legato or non-legato patches in real time with zero latency depending on the software's analysis of the player's performance from moment to moment.

The Giovani Edition has an MSRP of US$399.99 and is initially available in Kontakt/Kontakt 2 format with GigaStudio (2.5/3) and HALion (2/3) planned for the future.

KVR Audio, Inc.