
PlugInGuru releases OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv - 101 BPM/ARP Waveform based Synth Multis/Patches for Omnisphere 2.1

8th August 2017

PlugInGuru.com has announced the release of OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv for Omnisphere 2.1.

Here's what they say:

In December of 2013, John "Skippy" Lehmkuhl released OmniPulse Vol 1 which has since become one of his best selling patch libraries. Now that Omnisphere 2 is out and includes new capabilities in the Arpeggiator, he is back with a new set of BPM/ARP patches that have some of the deepest programming he's ever applied to a patch library. Unlike Version 1 which featured mostly patches that played the same note when you held down one key (the Arpeggiator was more basic in Omnisphere V1), the vast majority found in OmniPulse 2 are "RIFF" Patches where the Arpeggiator has note transpose used to create melodies and riffs (think audio loops - only you can easily change the notes).

These patches almost exclusively feature the use of only Omnisphere 2.1's built in waveforms and wavetables to make this library have a retro sound that is very popular right now.

The other big "evolution" is that there are 13 Multis in OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv - each Multi has between 4 to 6 Patches and these were progressively built by Skippy - meaning the Multis were not assembled after the Patch making was done - rather new patches were made to compliment the other patches in the Multi - which was started from scratch. There are demos of the Multi at the pluginguru website.

OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv contains the following:

The library has the unique name OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv for a reason. Since synthesis can radically change a synth waveform depending on how you program it, our world also can look very different with a camera depending on where that camera is located. Skippy has been flying his drone all over the place and this library includes 22 Wallpapers of places seen from 400 feet in the air looking down - Golf Courses, Malls, Parking lots, The Ocean and even bridges look quite different from a different "Perspektiv". These are 100% free bonus (in HD and 4K sizes) as a gift.

OmniPulse 2 | Perspektiv retails for $35 but is available at 10% off ($ 31.50) until Aug 15th.

SoundCloud Demos

YouTube Patch Walkthru

YouTube Livestream with Advanced Programming Tips (in Omnisphere 2 but applicable to many other synthesizers as well).

KVR Audio, Inc.