
Fretted Synth Audio releases new Amp Sims

24th August 2005

Fretted Synth Audio recently released a couple of new Amp Simulations - Helian FS12 and Helian CP75 - and a new effect - DriveStomp.

Helian FS12 is a Rock amp-sim, created to sit in a mix without taking up too much bandwidth. Not so much geared towards clean tones but you can get some convincing half clean tones.

Helian CP75 is a Rock / Contemporary creamy, round sounding amp-sim. Not so much geared towards clean tones but you can get some convincing half clean tones.

DriveStomp is an overdrive taken from Free Amp SE.


In case you didn't know, they have also made all of their formerly commercial plug-ins free!

KVR Audio, Inc.