
Marco Scherer releases "Drum Depot: Motor City - Techno from Detroit" multi-format sample library

1st November 2017

Marco Scherer has released Motor City, a multi-format sample library that contains a dozen of Detroit Techno kits combining drums and synths, featuring the dry and raw sound that is so typical for this genre.

The kits come with 16 samples each and ready-to-go presets and patterns for Maschine 2, Studio and Jam, Kontakt 5, Battery 3 upwards, Geist, Geist Lite and Ableton Drumrack. Furthermore the whole range of modern Akai MPC models is supported (MPC1000 upwards and Elements, Studio, Renaissance, Touch, Live and X). Plus the open SFZ format and you can drop the drums into any sampler as well.

Motor City is available for 5.99 Euro at: drumdepot.marcoscherer.de

Audio demo: SoundCloud.com/marcoschererdemos/drum-depot-motor-city-techno-from-detroit

KVR Audio, Inc.