
Softube releases Fix Phaser, Apollo Central For Console 1, and Saturation Knob and 4ms Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) for Modular (+updates software to 2.4.36)

20th November 2017

Softube has released several new plug-ins and updated their software to v2.4.36.

New Products:

Modular music makers can now use the Saturation Knob from within Modular. And all Console 1 mix masters, if you have an UAD Apollo Audio Interface, you can use the new Apollo Central For Console 1 mode.

Fix Phaser is a perfect complement to the modulation toolbox found in Fix Flanger and Doubler. Create subtle movement and texture in a string section or synth pad, wash a drum kit in stratospheric swirling attitude, create a throbbing, oscillating vibrato in a vocal, or simply swoosh and whoosh things to your heart's content. The Fix Phaser is now available with a price tag of $99, but they're offering an introductory price of $79 until February 8th, 2018.


A long-awaited addition to the Softube Modular platform, the 4ms Pingable Envelope Generator opens up a vast array of possibilities beyond the basic ADSR envelope generator included in the core Modular package. Two independent envelope generators can be 'pinged' by external sources - your DAW clock, for example - to define the cycle-length of the envelope (s) and generate rhythmic effects and interactions never before possible in Modular.


Features and Fixes in 2.4.36:

KVR Audio, Inc.