
Samplecraze release eBook: MixBus Strategies

17th January 2018

Samplecraze has released MixBus Strategies, the latest installment in the Samplecraze Production Series of eBooks aimed solely at EDM and Hip Hop producers.

Accompanied with 17 videos and 130 audio files this book is aimed at those that like to get their hands dirty with working exercises peppered with solid physics.

The entire book has been dedicated to exploring and revealing some of the music industry's secrets on how producers manage the elusive MixBus or Master Bus.

Inside you will find chapters that cover very specialized techniques and processes, each accompanied with before and after audio examples with clear and concise large screen grabs for easy reading. In addition to all detailed descriptions and analysis, each chapter includes clear screen shots from a range of recommended VST software plug ins, showing you every setting, parameter and slider position, plus every single audio example discussed in the book is included (24-bit stereo WAV files), ready to open up in your favourite audio editor and DAW for full analysis. Each process example is carefully analyzed, explaining exactly how each parameter you adjust is altering the audio, ensuring you completely understand how to use the different techniques to professionally construct your Master Bus dynamics.

To help the reader with basic principles of audio production an additional 17 videos have been provided that cover all the basic and advanced processes covered in the book.

Containing in-depth tutorials on the secrets of constructing the Master/MixBus Bus Dynamics this book has chapters devoted to various current popular genres, notably Hip Hop and EDM, plus extensive examples covering all types of mixbus textures from transparent (pre mastering) to silky smooth for film, from airy to hard hitting; all types of mixbus dynamics are explained in detail.

The main focus is on the practical skills and tips that you need to make quick progress, and throughout the book Eddie Bazil demonstrates various techniques using an array of dynamic processes utilising plugins, both free and paid for, where he takes a real-world stereo mix and reworks the mix at the master bus to illustrate exactly the texture he is talking about, and all this on top of the standard MixBus Processes. But he's also backed this up with plenty of useful theory that will help you keep learning and experimenting for years, including detailed videos that highlight both the processors used and how to use them.

The book's main aim is to help you in understanding the processes and processors producers and mastering engineers use to work the Master Bus/MixBus, be it for transparent mastering or for genre specific processing.

Whether you are into Hip Hop or EDM this book is aimed solidly at constructing bespoke mixbus textures for various genres and mediums available.

Accompanied with tons of top quality source files (24/44.1 WAVs) and with before and after audio examples the book is structured so you can follow all the exercises and achieve the same results.

This E-book is not exclusive to any software, and can be used as a tutorial for any audio editor and/or sequencer.

Technical Specification:

Price: £24.99. Please use the following discount code at checkout. It is valid for 2 weeks: MIX-ME-UP

KVR Audio, Inc.