
Tegeler Audio Manufaktur releases Raumzeitmaschine - Hardware Tube Reverb with Plug-in Control

24th January 2018

Tegeler Audio Manufaktur has released Raumzeitmaschine, a hardware tube reverb unit that can be controlled by plug-in (VST, AU & AAX).

Here's what they say:

The space-time machine creates a spatial sound that sounds very natural, transparent and clear on the one hand, but also has a nice sound on its own on the other hand. This is achieved through the unique combination of digital and analog components. There is of course a processor that calculates the reverb. This is enriched by the typical analog sound of our devices.

The space-time machine has two double triodes per channel as well as input and output transformers. That's why there are only analog inputs and outputs, not digital ones. An important sound component would otherwise be missing. If you like it fatter, you can even try to override the tube input stage.

The Raumzeitmaschine offer direct access to the right sound with only three parameters. Instead of plodding through hundreds of parameters (90 percent as a non-programmer, not knowing what they're doing), you're just turning the sound the way your mix needs it. An operating approach as with a real musical instrument.

Tegeler have omitted complicated preset management directly on the device. However, all controls are equipped with servomotors. You can control it direct at the frontpanel, by the internal webserver or by the DAW plugin (AU, AAX, VST). Changes made directly on the device also land immediately in the Raumzeitmaschine plug-in. Use the preset management of your DAW or the Raumzeitmaschine plugin. Raumzeitmaschine connects to your computer via Ethernet, so there is no limit on cable length like over USB. Also wireless via your router is no problem.


Price: 2.699,00 € (incl. 19% VAT., plus shipping). Tegeler offers a 14 day trial.



KVR Audio, Inc.