
AIR Offer: Save up to 90% on Keyboard Plugins in the KVR Marketplace

24th January 2018

Save up to 90% on Velvet and DB-33, AIR's premier Keyboard Plugins, in the KVR Marketplace until February 15th, 2018.

Velvet is a virtual electronic piano that combines five legendary electric pianos from the 60s and 70s into one versatile instrument. Based on the Fender Rhodes Suitcase, Fender Rhodes MK I and MK II Stage Pianos, Wurlitzer 200A and Hohner Pianet-T, Velvet breathes life into these famous keyboards.

DB-33 Tonewheel Organ is a virtual organ that recreates the sounds and controllability of classic tonewheel organs such as the Hammond B3, and the rotary-speaker cabinets they are often played through. It includes 122 preset sounds plus an extra-realistic convolution rotary cabinet and tube overdrive emulation. The rotary-speaker cabinet can also be used as an effect in its own right on an audio track.

KVR Audio, Inc.