
Wusik releases Wusik 8008

2nd April 2018

Wusik has announced that Wusik 8008 is now available.

WilliamK, founder of Wusik, wrote: "Thanks to the help of users I created a new single-file installer with better compression on all sound files. It also includes all new sounds in a single go. Be sure to check that out. If you already got Wusik Station V9 full install you don't need to download the 15 Gig full installer for Wusik 8008. Download ONLY the Engine / Update file (around 40 meg). You can still purchase the Upgrade from Wusik 8000 to Wusik 8008 at the purchase page, or check out the bundle upgrade offer there."

What's New:

Click here for the complete list of changes.

Price: $39.95.

KVR Audio, Inc.