
Pornofonic Instruments releases Klüsterkitt Fabrikator for Kontakt

6th April 2018

Pornofonic Instruments has released Klüsterkitt Fabrikator, a hybrid convolution drum designer and kit builder for Kontakt 5.7.

Fabrikator is the second of the Klüsterkitt instruments slated for release this year. Starting with custom-constructed acoustic percussion instruments, stereo samples were blended with synthesized waveforms to produce instruments of a unique character. In combination with both fully acoustic and fully synthetic drum sounds, the instruments can be shaped and colored by over 300 custom-designed convolution impulses, producing fresh, new drum kit palettes.

Randomized round-robin layers and separate, adjustable humanization controls brings the performance factor to the forefront.

By the numbers:

Price: $49 with 30% off intro pricing until May 5th, 2018.

KVR Audio, Inc.