
Neural DSP releases Darkglass Ultra Plugins

11th April 2018

Neural DSP, an audio engineering startup who have spent the past 6 months developing circuit modelling and digital signal processing techniques, has partnered with Darkglass Electronics to release their first product, a plugin modelled on Darkglass's Ultra pedal series, including two of their most famous products, the B7K Ultra and the Vintage Ultra.

"Darkglass Electronics' Microtubes B7K Ultra has 5-10 times more components than a typical tube amplifier or classic overdrive, which makes modelling it considerably more challenging. We had to go as far as creating models for the 4049 CMOS chip completely from scratch so that we could recreate the distortion characteristics and capture the sonic effects of every component with the most accuracy. The resulting algorithms are so accurate that they're indistinguishable from the Darkglass pedals."

Bass plugins are an extremely niche product in the plugin marketplace, with most producers needing to copy 3 or 4 DI tracks that need to be filtered and processed separately to get a high-quality distortion sound. With the Neural DSP Darkglass Ultra Plugins, all of this stress is alleviated.


Plugin exclusive Features
On top of all the original features of the original pedals, the plugin includes:

Neural DSP's Darkglass Ultra Plugins are available to purchase immediately for €99 and are perfect for the artist or producer who wants album-worthy bass tones from a single plugin.


KVR Audio, Inc.