
HoRNet releases ElliptiQ - Elliptic Equalizer for Mac & Win VST, AU & AAX

24th April 2018

HoRNet has announced the release of ElliptiQ, an elliptic equalizer designed to tighten up your bass and prevent phase issues.

HoRNet ElliptiQ allows you to filter out frequencies up to 2000Hz, so it extends well into the mid frequencies. To cut the stereo info you can use a Butterworth style low shelf with three different slopes: 12, 24 and 48 dB/octave, so from a gentle curve to a very steep one.

EllpitiQ also offers a unique "auto width" feature. When activated the difference between the mid and side information is continuously evaluated and if the side is too high (hence the stereo width of the bass is too wide) it is automatically reduced to avoid creating issues and give more impact to the track.

The plugin also provides a correlation meter divided into seven key frequencies so that you may spot issues with anti phase in different areas of the spectrum.


HoRNet ElliptiQ is available for 7,99€ on www.hornetplugins.com

KVR Audio, Inc.