
1954 Baldwin Parlor Grand - Whole Sounds will swap a 45% discount for your submitted music

2nd May 2018

Whole Sounds will swap a 45% discount code in exchange for a piece of music you've created with the demo version of their 1954 Baldwin Parlor Grand. This offer is good for the month of May.

If you don't have the demo version yet, download it here.

Simply export the MIDI file from your composition, and your .sceneprest file, and send them as email attachments to submit@wholesounds.com, and Whole Sounds will send you a coupon code in exchange, good for 45% off the 1954 Baldwin Parlor Grand.

It can be as long or short, as simple or complex as you want it to be - just as long as you send it, you'll get the discount.

Whole Sounds will recreate the audio on their end, and if the music's up to snuff, Whole Sounds will also credit you and use it on their "listen" page.

KVR Audio, Inc.