
Touch The Universe DS Audio Soundset Bundle Deal - Buy "Serene Worlds" for Thorn, Get "Serene Horizon" for Diversion free until June, 2018

7th May 2018

Touch The Universe is offering over 400 combined presets for DS Audio Software synths, Thorn and Diversion, for $19.99 throughout the month of May. No voucher needed; both soundsets are included automatically in the same email upon checkout.

Serene Worlds contains 150 presets, and 150MB of samples to use in Thorn's noise oscillator.

Serene Horizon contains 250 presets and 800MB of embedded sampled content.

Both soundsets are suitable for any and all modern contemporary electronic and ambient music genres.

*Discount applied only through Thorn's Serene Worlds checkout page.

KVR Audio, Inc.