
The Mix Challenge celebrates 4th Anniversary

11th June 2018

The Mix Challenge has announced it is celebrating the 4th anniversary of the Mix Challenge (game) itself.

"In June 2014, three people (Eric Dahlberg, Satya Choudhury and Roland Löhlbach) revived a game concept on KVR Audio that originated as a mastering challenge. This game would ultimately be known as the "Mix Challenge". It has had a steady run of 43 games so far, and also turned into the name sake for a community. And there are no plans to stop anytime soon.

A ginormous thank you to all participants that made the game into what it is today. May it continue to be an inspiration to aspiring musicians and/or mix/audio engineers all over the world, and remain a place to gain experience and learn new things in the process."

The following challenges are currently open to compete in:

More on: www.mix-challenge.com

What is the Mix Challenge community?

The Mix Challenge community is a young and ever growing dynamic hub for novice to professional musicians and mix engineers alike, which is hosting fun and educational audio challenges on a regular basis.

It has been eponymous for the community, starting in June 2014 as a mixing competition on KVR Audio, and has had a steady run of over 40 games since. The Mix Challenge moved away from KVR Audio to a dedicated place in April 2017, which marked the beginning of the Mix Challenge "community forum", which also offered room for expansion.

Each game (except the songwriting competition) has a client who provides source material, a couple of notes of what to do (boundary conditions additional to the global rules and guidelines), and he/she will give feedback for the contestants after the current running game round has ended.

The idea behind this is to mock up a real world business-to-client situation, including having to stick to deadlines. This is an opportunity to practice such a situation via learning by doing and create a suitable mixdown to the best of one's skill set. Another aspect of this particular trial is the mandatory documentation of what the "mix engineer" (the participant) did in the process, so that others can learn from the experience, but also for the participant to recreate the editing process, should you need to get back to the mix at a later state. This is particularly valuable if you are interested in a career in music production, where there is no margin for mistakes. Something that not a lot of places offer.

The Songwriting Competition on the other hand is a more "free form" game - create a production within a certain time frame, according to the given theme and genre. Once the competition has ended, it is mandatory to provide feedback to the top 10 entries and cast a top 10 vote. Fail to do so, and this will result in a disqualification. The idea here is to step out of your comfort zone, create something, show your skills, learn from each other and interact with other musicians.

The deadlines for the games are:

KVR Audio, Inc.