
VSL Offer: 30% Off Vienna Special Editions Through June 30, 2018

12th June 2018

The Vienna Symphonic Library has announced a limited time offer with a 30% discount on their Vienna Special Editions.

The Vienna Special Editions are resource-saving all-in-one orchestra libraries, offering a cross-section of their 2.6 million-sample archive. The 4 Special Edition Volumes - Essential Orchestra (Vol. 1), Extended Orchestra (Vol. 2), Appassionata & Muted Strings (Vol. 3), and Special Winds & Choir (Vol. 4) - cover 97 orchestral instruments and ensembles with basic and advanced playing techniques. The two PLUS Volumes feature additional articulations. Individual instrument Sections (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion & More, Keyboards & Guitars) of the Volumes 1 & 2 may be purchased separately.

Users may choose from 4 Special Edition Bundles and benefit from discounted bundle prices in addition to the current promotional rebates. All Special Edition Bundles, Volumes and Sections are available at a 30% discount through June 30, 2018.

KVR Audio, Inc.