
noiseBytes releases The GlitchRack

25th July 2018

noiseBytes recently released The GlitchRack, which is now available for $20 in the KVR Marketplace.

noiseBytes thinks there are enough plug-ins out there that make your sound perfect. They say, it is time, to make something for people, who like imperfection. And so, they present: The GlitchRack.

The GlitchRack is a collection of effects that one usually does not find in their DAW. One might not even look for them. Every effect is designed to destroy your sound and get the most digital noise out of it. Every effect can be used on its own, to add just a little low-bit distortion, or be combined with others to achieve full digital destruction until the sound is unrecognizable.


The GlitchRack is available for Mac and Windows as VST, VST3 and AU at the KVR Marketplace for 20$.

KVR Audio, Inc.