
forward audio announces release of "faTimeAlign" Time/Phase Alignment Plugin

9th August 2018

forward audio has announced the release of the Time / Phase Alignment Plugin "faTimeAlign" on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

faTimeAlign adjusts the phase correlation and timing of multi microphone recordings like drum, guitar or vocal recordings with an ultra high sub-sample precision of 0.001 samples to fix horrible sounding comb filter distortions (widely known as phase issues).

The plugin also includes the ability to assign several tracks into one group to delay them together and A/B states for convenient comparisons. Furthermore it includes the feature to delay tracks negatively into the past for maximum flexibility in every possible recording situation.

Suitable for all possible screen resolutions from small tablets up to 4k monitors.


To celebrate the release, faTimeAlign comes at a discount price of 49,00 US $ (35% off) until September 1st. The regular price will be 79 US $.

KVR Audio, Inc.