
KVRDC18: Himiltungl Labs The Seeker - Analog-style Spectrum Analyzer Plug-in for Mac & Win

4th September 2018

With the KVR Developer Challenge 2018 at the download and voting stage it's time to focus on each of the 26 entries that are available now, for free, for everyone.

The Seeker by Himiltungl Labs
Mac & Win; VST2, VST3 & AU

The Seeker brings you fast, dynamic spectrum analysis that will make your FFT-based analysers look like they're frozen in time:

  • Up to insane 1/192-octave spectrum resolution.
  • 10 - 500 ms integration time to match different types of material.
  • Eigen SSE-optimized core for low CPU-usage.
  • Dual graph showing amplitude as well as dynamics simultaneously.
  • Resizeable, minimal user interface.

Download, vote & donate at www.kvraudio.com/kvr-developer-challenge/2018

If you haven't read it already, you should check out the KVRDC16 winner's story: Winning the KVR Developer Challenge: An interview with Julijan Nikolic (Youlean)

KVR Audio, Inc.