
Teenage Engineering announces OP–Z Multimedia Synthesizer release

19th September 2018

Teenage Engineering has announced that OP–Z, its new multimedia synthesizer and sequencer, will be released in stores and at teenage.engineering in October 2018.

Teenage Engineering say "OP–Z is the first stand-alone 16 track sequencer that allows synchronised live composition of music, visuals, lights. The OP-Z is one of a kind."

Born to be portable, at 212.5 mm width, 57.5 mm height and 10 mm thin, it weighs in at just 850g. with the absence of a screen, Teenage Engineering introduce the concept of 'bring your own display' - use your iPhone, iPad or computer, because the OP-Z is built for people on the move that already carry a great display in their pocket.

Packed with multiple synthesizer engines, beats, samples, effects, visuals and preset patterns, the OP-Z has the ability to control up to 16 lights through DMX, it has a unity 3d integration to let you interact with your own 3d worlds, as well a built in photomatic feature which allows you to instantly sequence images taken with your smartphone camera.

The OP-Z has an expansion slot for modules that will add a range of hardware upgrades, each with its own unique functionality. The first module will be launched later this year.

Complete the OP-Z universe with a range of teenage engineering accessories like the bespoke design leather case.



Included in package:

KVR Audio, Inc.