
PreSonus updates Studio One Remote to v1.4

9th October 2018

PreSonus has announced that Studio One Remote 1.4 has been released and is now available on the App Store, Google Play Store and from the PreSonus website (Windows version). This update offers additional support for Studio One 4, as well as various bug fixes and performance improvements. Studio One Remote is free, and so is this update.

PreSonus say "A special highlight of Studio One Remote is the user-configurable Commands Page with access to any keyboard shortcut or macro. When used with the new MIDI editing commands and shortcuts available in Studio One 4, Studio One Remote turns into a secret weapon for composers and electronic musicians. Of course, it's just as useful for recording musicians who need to control Studio One transport or mixer when away from the computer."

New in version 1.4:

KVR Audio, Inc.