
Kilohearts offers The Works for $199 in their Black Friday Sale

22nd November 2018

Kilohearts are offering The Works for $199 in their Black Friday sale (Reg. $489). The works is a bundle consisting of all the currently available Kilohearts software as follows:

Snapheap and Multipass snapin hosts plus 3-Band EQ, Chorus, Delay, Gain, Limiter, Stereo, Bitcrush, Comb Filter, Compressor, Distortion, Filter, Formant Filter, Frequency Shifter, Gate, Haas, Ladder Filter, Phase Distortion, Phaser, Pitch Shifter, Resonator, Reverb, Reverser, Ring Mod, Tape Stop, Trance Gate, Transient Shaper, Carve EQ, Disperser, Faturator and Slice EQ.

Note that any Kilohearts products already owned will contribute to a further reduction in price.

KVR Audio, Inc.