
denise releases Bass XL - Boost & control the low end of your mix

26th November 2018

denise has announced the release of the Bass XL, a new plugin for Mac and Windows in VST, VST3 and AU formats priced at €29.

denise say the Bass XL plugin is great for creating a massive yet controlled low end for your track in seconds. Bass XL creates a consistent weight and presence for your mix - enhance a kick drum, drum sub mix, percussion track or melodic content like a Rhodes, guitar or bass. The power in the plugin comes from the drive and tone controls which give you fine grained control over the harmonics and saturation of your sound.

Bass XL is easy to work with: Choose which frequency to boost, apply the boost with the mix control and then choose a filter slope to set the width of the boost. Steep slopes accentuate the harmonic content, a lighter slope accentuates the frequency band. Drive and colour the sound with the tone control. Repeat steps until happy with the results.

Bass XL features the following highlights:

The Bass XL is available now from the denise website for €29.


KVR Audio, Inc.