
Waves releases Sibilance Plugin, Flow Motion FM Synth and Inspire Virtual Instruments Collection

27th November 2018

Waves Audio has announced the release of Sibilance, Flow Motion FM Synth and Inspire Virtual Instruments Collection.

Here's what they say:

Sibilance, powered by Waves' Organic ReSynthesis technology, is a transparent vocal de-esser that removes harsh vocal "s" sounds fast and at high quality – allowing you to make your vocals sound brighter without harshness. Thanks to its Organic ReSynthesis engine, Sibilance allows precise identification of unwanted sibilant sounds such as "s" and "sh," resulting in smooth, glitch-free, effective de-essing that maintains the timbre, duration and natural resonance of the original vocal sound.

Unlike most de-essers, which act like narrow-band compressors, the Waves Sibilance plugin uses Organic ReSynthesis spectral filters to identify undesirable bursts of sibilant energy, then completely separates the nuances of sibilance from the vocal signal, leaving the rest of the signal untouched.

Once applied, Sibilance's unique method of separating sibilant parts from the raw vocal signal allows for what would otherwise be extreme processing on the vocal track, such as aggressive EQing to drastically brighten a vocal.

With simple yet powerful controls, Sibilance takes only seconds to set up: Insert it on a vocal or voiceover track, and simply set the threshold and range controls to dial in the perfect amount of "s" reduction.

Waves Sibilance features:

Introducing Waves Sibilance: A New Kind of Vocal DeEsser: YouTube/sV1BE3wiA2I

Intro Price: $39 (Reg. $69) at www.waves.com/plugins/sibilance

Flow Motion FM Synth is a virtual instrument that combines the best elements of FM (frequency modulation) and analog-style subtractive synthesis in one powerful instrument.

Design deep basses, screaming leads, rich pads and growling FX with this hybrid FM synth, featuring a 16-step snapshot sequencer, rich presets, and an intuitive graphic interface that makes FM synthesis playful and easy.

The Flow screen eases your way into FM synthesis, with a uniquely designed graphic FM modulation matrix that connects four powerful mono/polyphonic oscillators with independent waveform and pan controls. You can easily modify assignments between the oscillators, using four independent floating LFO/envelope modulators with intuitive drag-and-drop manipulation.

The Motion screen lets you further control filters, amplitude, EQ and FX in a "traditional" subtractive way, for added power and flexibility.

The 16-step snapshot sequencer enables you to easily capture 16 different states of the synth and switch between them in real time. With 16 recallable snapshots per patch, you can quickly create sequences on the fly and in the flow.

Flow Motion FM Synth features:

The Flow Motion FM Synth is included in the Waves Mercury bundle.

Introducing Flow Motion FM Synth: YouTube/sWS9J6G1ZU4

FM Synth Made Fun and Easy – Flow Motion Synth: YouTube/jSCiOUnz6CU

Intro Price: $39 (Reg. $99) at www.waves.com/plugins/flow-motion-fm-synth

Lastly, Waves Audio is now shipping the Inspire Virtual Instruments Collection, which contains Waves' expanding line of virtual instruments, including the just released Flow Motion FM Synth.

The Inspire Instruments Collection includes:

Intro Price: $299 (Reg. $699) at www.waves.com/bundles/inspire-virtual-instruments-collection

KVR Audio, Inc.