
Propellerhead Software releases Quad Note Generator Player Rack Extension for Reason

4th December 2018

Propellerhead Software has released Quad Note Generator Player, a Rack Extension for Reason that enables you to create melodies, rhythms and harmonies you may not have thought of. This new Player Device is designed to help create bass lines, leads lines or other musical phrases to fit your music, based on scale and your preferences for rhythm and variation.

"Players, our MIDI effects, have always been about making music faster and kickstarting new ideas." said Mattias Häggström Gerdt, Product Manager, "Quad Note Generator goes even further, generating a stream of unpredictable melodies, rhythms and harmonies—with enough control to feel in control. Add it to your favorite instrument and get new ideas for any type of music."

You can use Quad Note Generator in several ways. Use it as your starting point to help you set off in a direction with your song. Or use it to spice up something you are already working on. If you like, you can record the Quad Note Generator performance into Reason's main sequencer to for final editing. With the freeze function, you can create phrases that are part repetitive and part improvisational in nature.

Quad Note Generator features:

Price: 69 USD / EUR.

View the Quad Note Generator announcement video here

KVR Audio, Inc.