
Non-Lethal Applications releases Video Slave 4 and new ADR Master Software for Mac

13th December 2018

Non-Lethal Applications has announced the release of Video Slave 4, offering new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Video Slave 4 and ADR Master both offer rock-solid playback of movies in sync to MIDI Timecode.

New Features:

ADR Master is the new ADR cueing and recording solution from Non-Lethal Applications. It includes all the features Video Slave 4 Pro offers but adds vital tools for cueing and recording ADR. ADR Master comes in two versions:

  1. ADR Master Editor includes all the features of Video Slave 4 plus; Import cues from a number of supported file formats or grab them directly from your DAW and when you're done cueing export or print them or send them to Pro Tools as region groups.
  2. ADR Master Studio includes all features of Video Slave 4 and ADR Master Editor plus; ADR Master Studio contains all the tools you need to record dialog in Pro Tools. It adds recording features like track naming and a sophisticated track mute/input/record matrix that lets you define what you want to hear at all times. In combination with the support for two Blackmagic or AJA devices with configurable output per device it makes it the perfect solution for all ADR recording studios.

Video Slave 4 and ADR Master's synchronized playback works with all major DAWs including Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, Nuendo, Cubase and Studio One or any other device that can generate timecode as a source.

Video Slave 4 and ADR Master's sync engine provides fast locking times and tight sync guaranteed: in many cases it's better than using the video engine built into the DAW.

Existing users should check their account for special upgrade pricing, amnesty deals for recent purchasers as well as new installers for those on up to date rental plans.

Pricing for perpetual licensing:

Includes all 4.x updates for Video Slave 4 and all 1.x updates for ADR Master. Uses the PACE licensing system with machine or iLok licensing.

Monthly subscription plan:

1 year plan (includes major upgrades) minimum commitment 12 months. Uses NLA licensing system with online activations.

KVR Audio, Inc.