
Blue Cat Audio updates Blue Cat's Dynamics to v4.2

7th February 2019

Blue Cat Audio has released Blue Cat's Dynamics v4.2, a new version of their all-in-one broadband dynamics plug-in that can be used as a compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all combined at once.

With a brand new user interface (fully zoomable), dual lookahead capabilities and many new features and enhancements (full list below), this new version offers even more control over the dynamics of the audio signal with a greatly improved workflow. It is also available at a cheaper price (129 EUR/USD instead of 149).

Upgrade to the new version is free for existing customers. A special introduction price (23% off the plug-in) is available until February 28th. Demo versions are available for download on www.bluecataudio.com, in most popular plug-in formats for Mac and PC.

New in Blue Cat's Dynamics 4.2:


KVR Audio, Inc.