
Kilohearts offer 50% off Disperser and Faturator VST and RE plugins

25th February 2019

Kilohearts are offering 50% off their Disperser and Faturator plugins, snapins and rack extensions for two weeks.

Disperser is a stack of all-pass filters tuned to cause frequency dependent delay in the signal. The shape of the delay can be tuned by changing different parameters of the filter through Disperser's user interface.

Find out more about Disperser and buy on the product page or Propellerhead shop.

Faturator is a distortion plugin with a unique sound and tunable distortion, as well as stereo widening possibilities. In contrast to many common distortion effects, Faturator preserves the dynamics of your sound.

Find out more about Faturator and buy on the product page or Propellerhead shop.

KVR Audio, Inc.