
Plugin Boutique updates Scaler to v1.7

1st March 2019

Plugin Boutique has updated Scaler to v1.7, introducing several new user-requested features, enhancements and bug fixes.

There are 30 new Blues, Latin and Bossa Nova chord sets and over one hundred new scales including all the modes of the melodic and harmonic minor scales. You can now re-detect from the chord builder and you can preview chord sets with one click or copy all chord sets to the builder with one click. Scaler 1.7 also includes 5 new Bass tunings for the Fretboard and quickly allows for chord expansion by adding 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th to entire chord sets.



Pricing and Availability

Scaler is available now at Plugin Boutique for £39.95 / $49 / €49. Scaler 1.7 is a free update for registered Scaler owners.

KVR Audio, Inc.