
Thirdmanonthemoon releases "OB6 Pads&Keys" for Live, Kontakt, Logic and WAV - Plus Free OB6 Multisamples

16th September 2019

Thirdmanonthemoon has announced the release of OB6 Pads&Keys for Ableton Live, NI Kontakt, Apple Logic and 24-bit-WAV along with some free OB6 multisamples.

Here's what they say:

"The OB6 is a very special and unique sounding analogue synthesizer. With its 12dB state variable filter it is especially well suited for pads and keys. We have recorded the left and right channels separately and detuned them slightly for truly wide stereo sounds on 31 of the 50 patches."

"For the recording process we've utilized a chain consisting of hi-end solid state and tube Gear. Going thru a passive DI (Jensen Transformers), VP28 Preamp, BT50 EQ, Manley Variable Mu Compressor, Culture Vulture Tube Saturator and finally recorded into our Apogee Symphony MK2 Converter. No digital processing whatsoever as with all of our samples."

The focus of this pack is Pads and Keys but you'll find Strings, Leads and a few Basses as well to round things off.

Download the free demo version of the OB6 Pads&Keys sample pack here.


Price: 29€.


KVR Audio, Inc.