
Kilohearts offers 50% off the kHs Equalizers Bundle (VST/AU/AAX/Snapin)

24th September 2019

Kilohearts is offering 50% off their kHs Equalizers Bundle, which includes Carve EQ and Slice EQ (VST/AU/AAX/Snapin), for two weeks.

Kilohearts' Carve EQ is a powerful graphic equalizer, with 31 third-octave bands and a versatile interface. Stereo processing is possible with both Left/Right and Mid/Side modes. Carve EQ has a workspace centric user interface provides many options for how to edit the equalization curve. The EQ Match Tool can be used to automatically match the equalization to a reference track.

Kilohearts' Slice EQ is a powerful parametric equalizer, supporting six different filter types with full control over filter roll-off and Q. Stereo processing is possible with both Left/Right and Mid/Side modes. Slice EQ has a workspace centric user interface which gives the user the option between either editing the filters visually in a spectrum view or controlling each filter parameter individually by turning knobs.

Find out more about the kHs Equalizers bundle and buy on the product page.

Kilohearts Snapins are regular effects that work as standalone plugins as well as modules in Kilohearts' Snapin Hosts; Phase Plant (a unique hybrid modular synthesizer), Multipass (a multiband multi-fx processor) and Snap Heap (a free serial/parallel multi-fx processor). Snapins can be purchased individually or in bundles. All previously owned snapins contribute to further discounts on the bundles.

KVR Audio, Inc.