
SKnote announces PSLTubeComp - Custom Tube Compressor Plug-in

4th October 2019

SKnote has announced PSLTubeComp, described as a Custom Tube Compressor with lots of attitude.

SKnote says "We made it the hard way: designing an original tube device, building it in the lab, analysing and modeling it as a software tool. The result is lots of attitude in a virtual Tube Compressor that will make your drums, bass, and much more happy."

SKnote teamed up with prostudiolive.com (note the "PSL" in the name) and this is the first in a dedicated series of new tools, with the double goal of sharing experiences and having them included in their edu stuff.

SKnote say that just a little bit of this one on a mix will really help to glue things together, from transparent to extreme. Some parallel processing can be useful in mastering, too.

Main features:

PSLTubeComp is being released 14 Oct 2019 (MSRP: $49.99) as VST/AU/AAX and is currently available with a pre-buy special offer at $29.99.

KVR Audio, Inc.