
Universal Audio updates OX Amp Top Box firmware to v1.2

6th November 2019

Universal Audio released OX Amp Top Box firmware v1.2 featuring a collection of 4x12 cabs with vintage & modern 30-watt British speakers for hard rock and metal, new combo cabs loaded with iconic high-headroom, extended range speakers for huge clean tones, 27 new RIG presets, and footswitch controls for fast and easy toggling of OX's studio-grade effects.

UA says:

OX is a premium reactive load box and guitar recording system, designed to give guitarists perfectly studio-miked amp sounds from their existing tube amp. OX lets users play and record tube amps in their ideal sweet spots — from the edge-of-breakup to fully cranked — with perfect dynamics at any volume level, and with stunning mic, room, and speaker cabinet emulations at the turn of its RIG knob.

New OX v.1.2 cabinet/speaker models include: a late '60s Fender Twin Reverb with vintage JBL D-120Fs, a 4x12 birch Marshall cabinet with Celestion 30-watt "Greenbacks," a 4x12 Marshall 1960 TV cab with Celestion Vintage 30s, and a 4x12 Mesa/Boogie extra deep cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30s.

Using OX Amp Top Box, guitarists can quickly audition a range of expert cabinet/mic/room combinations — and may find that they never need to mic their tube amp again.

OX Amp Top Box — Key Features:

KVR Audio, Inc.