
SparkPackers releases "Tropical Mallets" with Wavetables and Presets for Xfer Serum

27th March 2020

SparkPackers has released Tropical Mallets, a Wavetable Pack for Serum featuring 80 custom-built, multi-cycle Wavetables. As a bonus they added 21 Starter Presets for Serum that make it easy to jumpstart your sound design process and build your own presets.

Michael from SparkPackers says:

Honestly? This is the pack I wanted to keep to myself.

Who thought you can get such a nice & clean, natural color out of a soft synth? So. Much. Possibilities. You'll get: Wooden, weighty, punchy, sizzling, crunchy, chromatic, Caribbean and futuristic Tropical Mallets.

Price: $12.

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KVR Audio, Inc.