
EverythingTurns releases ScatterVerb II Modulated Reverb Delay for Reaktor

24th March 2020

EverythingTurns has released ScatterVerb II, a Modulated Reverb Delay Processor for NI Reaktor.

When used in its most basic form ScatterVerb II is a reverb and delay processor, used as a Reaktor 6 MFX plug-in within a DAW. Start tweaking a few dials and you will soon discover this is no basic reverb delay processor, says EverythingTurns.

At the heart of the ScatterVerb II is the modulated Filter Bank, the audio signal is sent to 16 modulated bandpass filters, 4 sends then tap the filters sending the filtered audio over to each of the scatter processors producing rich filtered delay and reverb effects.

Price: £14.00.

KVR Audio, Inc.