
AudioSwift updated to v2.2 for Mac

26th March 2020

AudioSwift has been updated to version 2.2, a free update to the macOS software that turns a trackpad into a MIDI controller. Now the Trigger and Scale Modes are velocity sensitive. Tapping the trackpad harder or softer will change the levels of the MIDI notes. The user can also choose to use fixed velocity in the Preferences window.

This new feature, with the MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support, makes AudioSwift a compact MIDI controller for mobile and desktop music producers, who can now play quick ideas using the trackpad as a creative tool.

New in version 2.2:

AudioSwift version 2.2 is a free update for existing users. The regular price is $24 and it's 30% off with coupon code GoldENFROG30 for a limited time. Try the free demo at audioswiftapp.com.

Watch the demo

KVR Audio, Inc.