
schulz.audio releases Spectrum 2 with 33% off intro offer

24th June 2020

schulz.audio has announced the release of version 2.0 of Spectrum.

Spectrum 2 is a VST, AU and AAX multi-channel spectrum analyzer plugin that allows you to inspect the frequency content of your mixes. It's ideal to find clashing frequencies and to cleanup your mix. It supports input from multiple channels: just drop an instance at each point in your signal chain you want to measure.

The new version is a complete re-write and incorporates many of the features of Oszillos Mega Scope: colouring, re-naming, re-ordering, freezing, making screenshots and more.

A free 14 day trial is available for download and a cost effective upgrade producers who own Spectrum 1 is available after logging in.

Intro Price: £39 (Reg. £59).

KVR Audio, Inc.