
ProducerLoops.com releases "Essence of Analogue Vol 3: Ambient Odyssey" Sample Pack

13th July 2020

ProducerLoops.com has released Essence of Analogue Vol 3: Ambient Odyssey Sample Pack. Here's what they say:

Essence of Analogue Vol 3: Ambient Odyssey continues their new and expansive series that was recorded and processed exclusively using analogue synths and outboard. This installment takes you on an ethereal adventure through a retrospective 70s/80s landscape defined by otherwordly soundscapes, textures, pads and more.

This pack is the third installment in our 'Essence of Analogue' series, which was recorded and processed exclusively using analogue synths and outboard. It contains 40 minutes of beautiful music broken down into its constituent elements.

Equipment Used (for Series):

Product Details:

Price: £49.95.

KVR Audio, Inc.