
SparkPackers releases free Ableton Wavetable Presets for Ableton's Wavetable Synth

17th October 2020

SparkPackers has released Fresh 'N Free, a preset pack for Ableton's Wavetable Synth.

The 23 free presets are not based on Ableton's stock wavetables but are designed by utilizing SparkPackers custom-made Wavetables that initially got made for and within Serum.

Michael from SparkPackers says:

You immediately get an edge when using our Ableton wavetable presets because they are not built with Ableton's stock wavetables that everyone is using. This is the first pack out there that uses custom-made wavetables for this wavetable synth that really impressed me with its internal FM and Filter capabilities.

The free preset pack comes with a wide ranging palette of colors that cover natural, acoustic instruments and also charismatic synth sounds.

Listen on SoundCloud.


Price: Free.

KVR Audio, Inc.