
RJ Studios releases Cans2Cones v3.0.0 - Headphones-to-Speaker Emulator

31st October 2020

RJ Studios has released Cans2Cones version 3.0.0, an updated version of their headphones-to-speaker emulator with an improved algorithm and added features.

The v3.0.0 update includes:

Cans2Cones is designed to help a listener make better mixes when monitoring through headphones by reducing the exaggerated stereo image and headphone dynamics compression.

Cans2Cones applies Interaural Time and Amplitude Difference (ITD and ITA) information to a stereo signal that emulates the distance and spacing of loudspeakers in a treated room. A special feature of Cans2Cones is a dynamic de-compression control which helps to overcome the compressed "in your head" sound that can occur due to the close proximity of headphone drivers to the eardrums.

Can2Cones includes a "Quick Select" menu that allows rapid comparison of common monitor speaker types and positions as well as a "subwoofer" control that extends the bandwidth of any "speaker" to full range.

Owners of previous versions can get the update for free using their purchase download link or RJ Studios Fastspring account access link.

Price: $24.95. More information and downloadable demo versions are available at Raising Jake Studios web site.

KVR Audio, Inc.