
Bitwig Studio updated to v3.3

27th November 2020

Version 3.3. of Bitwig Studio is now available, a free upgrade to everyone with an active Upgrade Plan for Bitwig Studio.

Here's what they say:

Just as real instruments offer expression without distraction, Bitwig Studio 3.3 aims to extend and focus the musician's workflow. For professional sound design, a hybrid modular synthesizer. For permanent access to scenes and markers, a new project Sections page. For cleaner editing, free content scaling and transient-preserving behaviors. Oh, and a world of wavetable.

v3.3 is our 14th version of Bitwig Studio. Polymer is our 94th device, which includes the instruments, effects, and fancy containers that are part of Bitwig Studio. With Vibrato and Ramp joining the squad, there are now three dozen (that's 36) modulators for taking control of our devices or VST plug-ins. If you use The Grid for building or preset exploration, there are 175 Grid modules there. And if you think about it, Polymer's three slots provide 140 possible combinations (7 oscillators × 5 filters × 4 envelopes).

Read the extensive Bitwig Studio 3.3 release notes at bitwig.com


KVR Audio, Inc.