
Waves releases free CLA EchoSphere plug-in for Black Friday only

27th November 2020

Waves has announced the release of a new free plug-in, CLA EchoSphere, a slap delay and plate reverb from Chris Lord-Alge. It's available for Black Friday only.

Designed with mix engineer Chris Lord-Alge (Green Day, Muse, Bruce Springsteen), CLA EchoSphere combines Chris's #1 slap delay and #1 plate reverb.

Waves says:

This is CLA's go-to combination for lush lead vocals, based on his settings for two of his favorite hardware units.

You can easily blend the two effects using the plugin's faders – either in parallel, or with the delay sent to the reverb, as Chris does to achieve his unique lead vocal sound.

Use this stellar-sounding slap/plate combination to turn any lead part – whether a lead vocal, guitar solo or lead synth line – into the standout element of your production.



KVR Audio, Inc.