
Antares releases Microphone Modeler v1.3.8 AU/VST for Mac OS X

31st March 2006

Antares has released Microphone Modeler for Audio Units and VST Mac OS X. Even better news - since it's been such a long wait, they've decided to make them free upgrades for owners of equivalent versions.

NOTE: the free upgrades are for equivalent versions (i.e. any Native version to any other Native version or TDM to TDM). The upgrade from Native to TDM still costs.

NOTE: Although the Audio Units and VST OSX versions are not yet included in boxed copies of Microphone Modeler, you may purchase a boxed copy from your Antares dealer and use the enclosed Registration Code to authorize a copy of Microphone Modeler AU or VST downloaded from Antares' software updates page.

KVR Audio, Inc.