
Best Service announces Chris Hein - Guitars

31st March 2006

Best Service has announced Chris Hein - Guitars, a new "extra large" guitar library based around the new Kontakt Player 2, also announced at Musikmesse. All guitars in this library have 51 unique controllers and scripts with features like: solo-mode, different slide-modes, chord-mode, different attacks & releases, automatic down/upstroke, harmonizer, etc.

- screenshot 1
- screenshot 2

Guitars included:

As the sample library isn't finished the exact size and specification is not yet known but the Jazz-Guitar, for example, contains 5,800 samples with up to 13 velocities and 31 articulations in one preset. It is sampled fingered and with plectrum in stereo with seamless blending between acoustic and electric guitar - you have direct access to 11,600 different sounds for one guitar.

If you heading to Musikmesse, Chris is demonstrating the new library at the Best Service booth in Hall 5.1, C44. We had a demo from him yesterday and it sounded very impressive!

Chris Hein - Guitars is expected to be released later this year with pricing yet to be decided.

KVR Audio, Inc.