
Transvaal Audio releases Lost Technology v0.1

5th April 2006

Transvaal Audio has released Lost Technology, a VST effect plug-in that separates incoming audio signals into amplitude, frequency and waveform (harmonic content) signals, modulates those part signals and then merges them into audio signals again.

The plug-in takes two inputs and produces two outputs. The Analyzer component splits the input signal, the Modulator components combine part signals in various ways and the Synthesizer component merges three part signals into audio output.

Lost Technology is available for Windows as a VST effect plug-in and it is free (released under the MIT/Expat/X11 open source licence).

NOTE: Lost Technology v0.1 is an alpha release that hasn't been extensively tested. It has been stable when tested in FL Studio 6, but on your system it might crash the host or simply refuse to work. You are encouraged to provide feedback to Transvaal Audio whether you have problems or success with various hosts and OS versions.

KVR Audio, Inc.