
Eplex7 releases Klerhaim N1 - Analog Synthesizer Plugin for Windows with Virtual Circuit Emulation Technology

9th February 2021

Eplex7 DSP has released Klerhaim N1 – Analog Synthesizer with virtual circuit emulation technology.

They say:

Basic code cannot behave like electricity in real analog circuits. That is a reason why we developed our own virtual circuit technology. We have emulated individual circuits, electronic components, modules of synthesizer and analog behavior in various situations, noises, feedbacks, interfering signals, etc. In real analog synthesizers everything is moving, changing, modulating, living... analog synth is like a living organism. Nothing is static. The electricity and circuits are in constant "chaos".

Klerhaim N1 is not an exact emulation of an existing analog synthesizer. Eplex7 preferred to analyze more than 5 analog synths of vintage 60s, 70s and 80s era. The analyze of individual circuits (oscs, filters, LFOs, envelopes, etc.) not just output sound and combine various different vintage analog circuits to one complex synthesizer VST plug-in emulation.





Price: 59 €. There is an introductory price for first 100 customers of 29,90 €. Download a demo version at www.eplex7.com

KVR Audio, Inc.