
W. A. Production releases "Biggifier by Aden" Plugin with 40% off launch discount

12th February 2021

W. A. Production and Jonas Aden have released anew plug-in, called Biggifier, saying:

Biggifier by Aden is a powerful one-knob that delivers an instant and addictive shot to the metaphorical arm of any sound. Jack up that wimpy kick, beef up the faintest of vocals and juice any flaccid sample into a big, fat, room-filling sound. Don't be afraid to keep cranking up that knob until you hit maximum Bigness. The fact that it's so insanely simple and quick to use and the quality of the output so high, across a range of modes, makes this a must have tool for both the most seasoned producers out there, as well as those just starting to explore sound design and production.

Main features:

Price: $39.99. There is a launch discount of 40% until 21st March, 2021.

Video preview: YouTube/va8E8k7VKHQ

KVR Audio, Inc.