
Sampleson releases Reed106 - Spectral modelled electric piano that's always changing

21st June 2021

Sampleson has announced the release of Reed106, a new piano plug-in for macOS and Windows that's described as "the first modeled piano that is always changing". Every note, every day, every month. Reed106 creates small variations of itself every time you play it (reproducing temperature, humidity, power supply fluctuations in real life).

The developer says:

This eliminates one of the most frustrating things in a VST. The boring effect that a virtual instrument generates over time.

Every electric piano has a unique sound. Even if it's the same model, same manufacturer and same year. This is why real pianos and electric pianos can never be emulated by software... until today. Reed106 introduces a proprietary Sampleson's software that turns static VST instruments into living ones.




Sampleson continues:

Our spectral modelling engine is capable of matching the real timbres by parsing harmonic and inharmonic partials, and envelopes with 100% of accuracy. It also learns from several samples for the same note reproducing the natural variations of real instruments (avoiding machine-gun effect).

This means that you'll have the sound accuracy of a large sampled instrument, but in just 45 MB and with infinite round-robins.

Intro Price: $29 (Reg. $49) at Sampleson.com

KVR Audio, Inc.